### `save` #### April D. Makukhov This functions allows the user to save objects in R into an external Rdata file that can then be used later in R via functions such as 'load' or 'attach'. save.image() is an extension or shortcut of the 'save' function that allows the use to save the current workspace in R to be able to load it back in later. Basically, if you want to save a set of specific R objects in your code or to save your workspace, this is one way to do so. ```{r} x <- runif(10) z <- list(a=1, b=2, c=TRUE, d=FALSE, e = "turtle") save(x, z, file = "Example.RData") # now, if you clear your R environment with the little broom icon, and use the following code below to load in your Rdata file, you can go back to using the variables you used before, x and z, without having to re-run script. Essentially, the save function is saving your R environment. load("Example.RData") x z ```